HKCCVA was established in 2013 by a group of enthusiastic nurses and professionals who are interested in volunteer work. HKCCVA is officially registered charitable organisation in Hong Kong which is exempt from tax under section 88 of Inland Revenue Ordinance. Members of the Executive Committee are formed by voluntary nurses and professionals.
To gather nurses, professional from different sectors, and volunteers who are willing to provide voluntary activities to service the community in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Credible Care Volunteers Association Limited
Structure of the Council
Honorary Chairlady / Chairman, Advisor & Consultant 榮譽會長及顧問
(alphabetical order by last name)
Honorary Chairlady / Chairman 榮譽會長 | |
Mr. Jacky Cheung 張華強先生 |
Advisor to the Governance and Audit Committee of Yan Oi Tong President of Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council 仁愛堂管治及審核委員會顧問委員 香港青年工業家協會會長 |
Dr. Susie Lum 林崇綏博士 |
The Founding Dean of The Hong Kong Academy of Nursing Ltd 香港護理專科學院創院院長 |
Honorary Advisor 榮譽顧問 | |
Mrs. Eliza Leung Wong Kwok Shing 梁王珏城女士 |
Ex Deputy Director of Social Welfare 前社會福利署副處長 |
Dr. Joseph Lui 雷操奭醫生 |
Ex Cluster Chief Executive, Kowloon East, Hospital Authority 前醫管局九龍東醫院聯網總監 |
Honorary Legal Advisor 榮譽法律顧問 | |
Mr. Peter Lo 盧偉強先生 |
Solicitor 律師 |
Consultant 顧問委員 | |
Dr. Timmy Au 區永谷醫生 |
Cardiothoracic Surgeon 心胸肺外科專科醫生 |
Dr. Felix Chan Hon Wai 陳漢威醫生 |
Specialist in Geriatric Medicine 老人科專科醫生 |
Dr. Eddie Cheung 張蔚賢醫生 |
Specialist in Pediatric 兒科專科醫生 |
Ms. Doris Cheung 張文靜小姐 |
Occupational Therapist 職業治療師 |
Ms. Amy Chu 朱敏華小姐 |
Pharmacist 藥劑師 |
Dr. Shiu Hon Chui 崔紹漢醫師 |
Chinese Medicine Practitioner 中醫博士 |
Mr. Joseph Kwan 關雄偉先生 |
Ex Principal of Nursing School 前護士學校校長 |
Dr. Eddie Kwok 郭靖醫生 |
Dental Surgeon 牙科醫生 |
Dr. Cheuk Hon Lee 李卓漢醫生 |
Specialist in Paediatrics 兒科專科醫生 |
Mr. K L Leung 梁鈞樂先生 |
Occupational Therapist 職業治療師 |
Dr. Lawrence Ma 馬承恩醫生 |
Specialist in Haematology & Haematological Oncology 血液及血腫瘤科專科醫生 |
Mr. Philip Ma 馬明漢先生 |
Information Technology Consultant 資訊科技顧問 |
Mr. Vincent Ng Wan Sing 吳雲星先生 |
Consultant Physiotherapist 物理治療顧問 |
Mr. Shing Wai Keung 成偉強先生 |
Qiqong Instructor 氣功教練 |
Mr. Yiu Wah So 蘇曜華先生 |
Clinical Pharmacist 藥劑師 |
Mr. Stephen Tse Yuet Hong 謝悅漢先生 |
Senior Journalist 資深媒體人 |
Dr. Tak Fu Tse 謝德富醫生 |
Specialist in Cardiology 心臟科專科醫生 |
Dr. James Tsu 徐學良醫生 |
Urology Surgeon 泌尿外科專科醫生 |
Ms. Eliza Wong 黃美怡女士 |
Dietitian 營養師 |
Dr. John Wong 王泰鴻醫生 |
Specialist in Cardiology 心臟科專科醫生 |